508 Commands summary
Online manual pages
vxconfigd Veritas Volume Manager configuration daemon
vxconfigrestore Restore disk group configuration.
vxcp_lvmroot Copy LVM root disk onto new Veritas Volume Manager root
vxdarestore Restore simple or nopriv disk access records.
vxdco Perform operations on version 0 DCO objects and DCO volumes.
vxdctl Control the volume configuration daemon.
vxddladm Device Discovery Layer subsystem administration.
vxdestroy_lvmroot Remove LVM root disk and associated LVM volume group.
vxdg Manage Veritas Volume Manager disk groups.
vxdisk Define and manage Veritas Volume Manager disks.
vxdiskadd Add one or more disks for use with Veritas Volume Manager.
vxdiskadm Menu-driven Veritas Volume Manager disk administration.
vxdisksetup Configure a disk for use with Veritas Volume Manager.
vxdiskunsetup Deconfigure a disk from use with Veritas Volume Manager.
vxdmpadm DMP subsystem administration.
vxdmpinq Display SCSI inquiry data.
vxedit Create, remove, and modify Veritas Volume Manager records.
vxevac Evacuate all volumes from a disk.
vximportdg Import a disk group into the Veritas Volume Manager
vxinfo Print accessibility and usability of volumes.
vxinstall Menu-driven Veritas Volume Manager initial configuration.
vxintro Introduction to the Veritas Volume Manager utilities.
vxiod Start, stop, and report on Veritas Volume Manager kernel I/O
vxmake Create Veritas Volume Manager configuration records.
vxmemstat Display memory statistics for Veritas Volume Manager.
Table A-9 Section 1M manual pages
Name Description