physical disk placement 513
putil attribute 222
RAID-5 failure of 380
RAID-5 plex, configuring 516
removing from VxVM 221
restrictions on moving 217
specifying different offsets for
unrelocation 393
splitting 217
tutil attribute 222
unrelocating after hot-relocation 390
unrelocating to different disks 393
unrelocating using vxassist 392
unrelocating using vxdiskadm 391
unrelocating using vxunreloc 392
swap space
using VxVM volumes to increase 107
SYNC volume state 266
controlling for instant snapshots 344
improving performance of 345
syncing attribute 319, 344
syncpause 344
syncresume 344
syncstart 344
syncstop 344
syncwait 344
system names
checking 454, 455
t# 20, 78
for tasks 267
listing for disks 177
removing from disks 178
removing from volumes 288
renaming 288
setting on disks 177
setting on volumes 257, 288
specifying for online relayout tasks 298
specifying for tasks 267
target IDs
number 20
specifying to vxassist 244
target mirroring 245, 255
task monitor in VxVM 267
aborting 268
changing state of 268, 269
identifiers 267
listing 268
managing 268
modifying parameters of 269
monitoring 268
monitoring online relayout 299
pausing 269
resuming 269
specifying tags 267
specifying tags on online relayout
operation 298
tags 267
TEMP plex state 227
temporary area used by online relayout 54
TEMPRM plex state 227
TEMPRMSD plex state 228
snapshots 64
third-mirror break-off snapshots
creating 329
third-party driver (TPD) 84
throttling 128
displaying path information 143
support for coexistence 84
tpdmode attribute 94
trigger point in striped-mirror volumes 255
changing values of 474
dmp_cache_open 475
dmp_daemon_count 475
dmp_delayq_interval 475
dmp_failed_io_threshold 475
dmp_fast_recovery 475
dmp_health_time 476
dmp_log_level 476
dmp_path_age 476
dmp_pathswitch_blks_shift 476
dmp_probe_idle_lun 477
dmp_queue_depth 477
dmp_restore_cycles 477
dmp_restore_interval 477
dmp_restore_policy 478
dmp_retry_count 478
dmp_retry_timeout 478
dmp_scsi_timeout 478
dmp_stat_interval 479
vol_checkpt_default 479