446 Using Storage Expert
How Storage Expert works
How Storage Expert works
Storage Expert components include a set of rule scripts and a rules engine. The
rules engine runs the scripts and produces ASCII output, which is organized and
archived by Storage Expert’s report generator. This output contains information
about areas of VxVM configuration that do not meet the set criteria. By default,
output is sent to the screen, but you can send it to a file using standard output
Before using Storage Expert
Storage Expert is included in the VRTSvxvm package. Even if you do not plan to
use the VEA graphical user interface, you must also have installed the following
packages to run vxse:
■ VRTSob
■ VRTSvmpro
The VEA service must also be started on the system by running the command
Running Storage Expert
The executable rule files are located in the directory, /opt/VRTS/vxse/vxvm.
It is recommended that this directory be added to the PATH variable.
The rules are invoked using the following command-line syntax:
# rulename [options] keyword [attribute=value ...]
Each of the rules performs a different function.
See “Rule definitions and attributes” on page 456.
The following options may be specified:
One of the following keywords must be specified:
-d defaults_file Specifies an alternate defaults file.
diskgroup Specifies verbose output format.
-v Specifies the disk group to be examined.
check Lists the default values used by the rule’s attributes.