550 Index
vol_default_iodelay 479
vol_fmr_logsz 68, 479
vol_max_vol 480
vol_maxio 480
vol_maxioctl 480
vol_maxparallelio 481
vol_maxspecialio 481
vol_subdisk_num 481
volcvm_smartsync 482
voldrl_max_drtregs 482
voldrl_max_seq_dirty 61, 482
voldrl_min_regionsz 482
voliomem_chunk_size 482
voliomem_maxpool_sz 483
voliot_errbuf_dflt 483
voliot_iobuf_default 483
voliot_iobuf_limit 483
voliot_iobuf_max 484
voliot_max_open 484
volpagemod_max_memsz 484
volraid_minpool_size 485
volraid_rsrtransmax 485
plex attribute 234
subdisk attribute 222
UDID flag 175
udid_mismatch flag 176
units of size 216
use_all_paths attribute 151
V-5-1-2536 286
V-5-1-2829 209
V-5-1-552 172
V-5-1-569 419
V-5-1-587 186
V-5-2-3091 200
V-5-2-369 172
V-5-2-4292 200
version 0
of DCOs 69
version 20
of DCOs 69
of DCOs 68
checking for disk group 451
disk group 208
displaying for disk group 211
upgrading 208
virtual objects 26
VM disks
defined 28
determining if shared 421
displaying spare 386
excluding free space from hot-relocation
use 388
initializing 90
making free space available for hot-relocation
use 389
marking as spare 387
mirroring volumes on 272
moving volumes from 290
names 29
postponing replacement 112
removing from pool of hot-relocation
spares 388
renaming 119
vol## 31
vol##-## 31
vol_checkpt_default tunable 479
vol_default_iodelay tunable 479
vol_fmr_logsz tunable 68, 479
vol_max_vol tunable 480
vol_maxio tunable 480
vol_maxioctl tunable 480
vol_maxparallelio tunable 481
vol_maxspecialio tunable 481
vol_subdisk_num tunable 481
volbrk snapshot type 343
volcvm_smartsync tunable 482
voldrl_max_drtregs tunable 482
voldrl_max_seq_dirty tunable 61, 482
voldrl_min_regionsz tunable 482
voliomem_chunk_size tunable 482
voliomem_maxpool_sz tunable 483
voliot_errbuf_dflt tunable 483
voliot_iobuf_default tunable 483
voliot_iobuf_limit tunable 483
voliot_iobuf_max tunable 484
voliot_max_open tunable 484
volpagemod_max_memsz tunable 484
volraid_minpool_size tunable 485
volraid_rsrtransmax tunable 485
volume kernel states