Chapter 4 Command Reference
Programming Guide 4-79
:MEMory Subsystem
This subsystem manages the instrument’s memory . The MEMory capabilities of
an instrument are not part of the instrument state, and are not affected by reset
(*RST) or recall (*RCL). In this instrument, the macro capabilities will not
survive a power cycle, but the *SAV/*RCL states will.
:MEMory:DELete:MACRo <string>
Deletes the macro with the name specified by the string parameter.
The new IEEE 488.2-1992 command *RMC (Remove Macro Command) may
also be used; it performs exactly the same action as :MEMory:DELete:MACRo.
Note, however, that the Counter complies with IEEE 488.2-1987.
• Event; no query.
• See *PMC (page 4-135) if you want to delete all macros.
Queries the memory usage and availability corresponding to macro data. A total of
6500 bytes is dedicated to macro memory.
• Numeric data transferred as ASCII bytes in <NR1> format.
• Two numbers transferred as ASCII bytes in <NR1> format and
comma-separated: <bytes available>, <bytes in use>.
Queries the Number of available *SAV/*RCL STates in the instrument.
• Numeric data transferred as ASCII bytes in <NR1> format.
• The value returned is 21.
• The response value is one greater than the maximum which can be sent as a
parameter to the *SAV and *RCL commands.
Query Response
Query Response