Chapter 4 Command Reference
Programming Guide 4-45
• When the :INIT:CONT ON command is sent, the Counter:
– invalidates the statistics results,
– clears the statistics current count to 0,
– reports the negative status condition (NOT Computing
Statistics) to bit 8 of Operation Status Register.
• When :CALC2:LIM:CLE:AUTO is ON, the Counter performs the following
whenever the :INIT:CONT ON command is sent:
– invalidates the limit data,
– clears :CALC2:LIM:FAIL, :CALC2:LIM:FCOunt,
and :CALC2:LIM:PCOunt information,
– turns off the front-panel display’s Limit annunciator, and
– sets the Limit-Detect output to the in-limit voltage level.
• When [:SENS]:EVEN:LEV[:ABS]:AUTO is ON, the Counter performs an auto-
trigger on the measurement channel(s) whenever the :INIT:CONT ON command
is executed, and also at the beginning of each measurement cycle while
• The state of :TRIG:COUN:AUTO has no affect on the operation of
• :INIT:CONT ON operates as if :TRIG:COUN was 1.
• The commencement of the first measurement due to setting
:INITiate:CONTinuous to ON sets the Pending Operation Flag to true. The
Pending Operation Flag is set false by aborting of a measurement, or by the
completion of the last measurement after :INITiate:CONTinuous is set OFF.
• With the measurements being made continuously, the :ABORt command shall
abort the current measurement in progress, however, the value of
:INITiate:CONTinuous is unaffected.
If CONTinuous was set to ON prior to receiving :ABORt, it remains ON and
a new measurement begins.