Programming Guide ix
[:SENSe]:EVENt3 Subtree 4-84
[:SENSe]:FREQuency Subtree 4-85
[:SENSe]:FREQuency:ARM Subtree 85
[:SENSe]:PHASe Subtree 4-91
[:SENSe]:PHASe:ARM Subtree 4-91
[:SENSe]:ROSCillator Subtree 4-92
[:SENSe]:TINTerval Subtree (HP 53131A and
HP 53132A With S/N Prefix Below 3646) 4-95
[:SENSe]:TINTerval:ARM Subtree (HP 53131A and HP 53132A
With S/N Prefix Below 3646) 4-95
[:SENSe]:TINTerval Subtree (HP 53132A With S/N Prefix 3646 and
Above) 4-98
[:SENSe]:TINTerval:ARM:ESTART and :ESTOP Subtrees
(HP 53132A With S/N Prefix 3646 and Above) 4-98
[:SENSe]:TOTalize Subtree 4-104
[:SENSe]:TOTalize:ARM Subtree 4-104
:STATus Subsystem 4-107
:STATus:OPERation Subtree 4-107
:STATus:QUEStionable Subtree 4-110
:SYSTem Subsystem 4-114
:SYSTem:COMMunicate Subtree 4-114
:TRACe Subsystem 4-119
:TRIGger Subsystem 4-121
*CAL? (Calibration Query) 4-122
*CLS (Clear Status Command) 4-123
*DDT <arbitrary block> (Define Device Trigger
Command) 4-124
*DMC <string>, <arbitrary block>
(Define Macro Command) 4-125
*EMC <NRf> (Enable Macro Command) 4-126
*EMC? (Enable Macro Query) 4-126
*ESE <NRf> (Standard Event Status Enable
Command) 4-127
*ESE? (Standard Event Status Enable Query) 4-127
*ESR? (Event Status Register Query) 4-128
*GMC? <string> (Get Macro Contents Query) 4-129