Chapter 4 Command Reference
Programming Guide 4-47
• When :TRIG:COUN:AUTO is ON and :CAL3:AVER[:STAT] is ON, the
Counter clears the statistics results and the statistics current count on
• If the instrument is already in the process of making a measurement or if
INITiate:CONTinuous is set to ON, an :IMMediate command has no affect,
and an error -213
(Init ignored) is generated.
• When :CALC2:LIM:CLE:AUTO is ON, the Counter performs the following
whenever the :INIT[:IMM] command is sent:
– invalidates the limit data,
– clears :CALC2:LIM:FAIL, :CALC2:LIM:FCOunt, and
:CALC2:LIM:PCOunt information,
– turns off the front-panel display’s Limit annunciator, and
– sets the Limit-Detect output to the in-limit voltage level.
• This command is an overlapped command (see IEEE 488.2, Section 12).
Beginning a measurement or block of measurements with an
:INITiate[:IMMediate] sets the Pending Operation Flag to true. Completing
the measurement or block of measurements (normally or by aborting) sets
Pending Operation Flag to false.
• For an automatically armed Totalize measurement, use :ABORt to terminate
the measurement initiated with :INIT[:IMM].
• When [:SENS]:EVEN:LEV[:ABS]:AUTO is ON, the Counter performs an
auto-trigger on the measurement channel(s) whenever the :INIT[:IMM]
command is executed.