
During each synchronization, M-Business Server compares the date of the pages in its cache with the date
of the pages on the remote site, retrieving only pages that have been updated. Having a channel cache saves
time during the synchronization, because M-Business Server does not have to wait to retrieve cached pages.
Cookie cache
Sites that you visit place cookies containing information about you in your user profile. Clearing the cookie
cache will remove any personalized information that the web servers that you visit store in your M-Business
Server account. If you do not want sites that you visit to display your personalized information when you
return to them, you might want to clear the cookie cache.
Authentication information
Some web servers require you to supply a user name and password to access the site. M-Business Server
caches this authentication information and supplies it to the web server when you synchronize. If you do not
want M-Business Server to supply this information automatically, you might want to clear the authentication
cache. Clearing the authentication cache will usually require you to re-enter your user name and password
the next time you access a site that requires authentication.
Clearing M-Business Server caches
You can modify settings for the three types of cache used by M-Business Server: Channel, Cookies, and
Authentication Info.
To manage the cache settings
1. Access your M-Business Server personal page.
2. Click Settings»Clear Web Caches.
The Clear Web Caches page displays.
Managing caches
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