If the Download dialog closed after completing, you can use Windows Explorer to search for the installer
file name listed in step 2 in your browser window. Double-click the installer file to continue with the
next step below.
10. Follow the instructions on the InstallShield Wizard screen to install M-Business Client on your desktop
11. Click OK when you see the screen display a message telling you that M-Business Client will be installed
to your device the next time you synchronize.
M-Business Client also installs M-Business Connect on your desktop and mobile device. M-Business
Connect enables M-Business Client to communicate with M-Business Server.
12. Return to your browser window where the M-Business Client Download screen is still displayed.
Continue with the next section to register your account.
Registering your account
♦ To register your account
1. In the New Account Registration screen ("Step 3 of 7") in your browser, click Next.
The next screen ("Step 4 of 7") appears.
2. If you ran the installer file by clicking the Run button in the Download dialog, you can ignore this screen
and just click Next.
If you closed the Download dialog without running the installer file, follow the directions on the Install
screen ("Step 4 of 7") and click Next after you are finished.
Installing M-Business Client
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