Searching to find content in M-Business Client
From within M-Business Client you can choose to search either the current channel page only, or all M-
Business Client channel pages stored on your mobile device.
Searching the current page only
♦ To search the current page only
1. Open a channel page in M-Business Client.
The M-Business Find dialog is displayed.
2. Click or tap the Find icon, or choose Tools»Find.
3. Select in page.
4. Enter the words to search for in the Find field, then click or tap OK.
The browser window scrolls to the first instance of the word you searched for, and the word is
5. Choose Tools»Find Next to find the next instance of the searched text.
Searching all pages
♦ To search all M-Business Client channel pages
1. Start M-Business Client.
2. Click or tap the Find icon, or choose Tools»Find.
The M-Business Find dialog is displayed.
3. Select in all pages.
4. Enter the words to search for in the text field, then click or tap OK.
A search results page appears, showing found instances by page and search progress.
Using M-Business Client on Windows XP
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