
Searching to find content in M-Business Client
You can search content in M-Business Client on your mobile device.
When you perform a search for specific content while M-Business Client is the active application, you search
only M-Business Client channel pages. Your search does not include pages in the Forms Manager or Online
Cache, nor does it include information in other applications, such as your address book or calendar.
For instructions on performing searches, see one of the following sections:
For Palm OS — “Searching to find content in M-Business Client” on page 102
For Windows Mobile Pocket PC — “Searching to find content in M-Business Client” on page 145
For Windows XP — “Searching to find content in M-Business Client” on page 184
For Windows Mobile 5 or Microsoft Smartphone — “Searching to find content in M-Business
Client” on page 228
Searching to find content in M-Business Client
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