Palm OS mobile device requirements
♦ 2 MB of free memory
iAnywhere has verified that the following devices are compatible with the current release:
Palm™ Tungsten C, E2, T, T5, W, X; Treo 600, 650, and 700p.
Palm OS User Guide chapters
In addition to the chapters that apply to all platforms, see the following chapters for detailed instructions
that are specific to Palm OS:
♦ “Configuring a server connection on Palm OS” on page 83
♦ “Using M-Business Client on Palm OS” on page 93
Windows Mobile Pocket PC devices
Windows Mobile Pocket PC desktop computer requirements
♦ Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or 6.0 or 7.0
Mozilla Firefox 2.0
If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer proxy settings to connect to M-Business Server, you must use
Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher with 128-bit encryption. See “Configuring proxy server
settings” on page 49.
♦ ActiveSync version required by your Windows Mobile Pocket PC model
The Windows Mobile Pocket PC version of M-Business Client software is installed globally. This means
that all user profiles on the same computer will be able to use M-Business Client without further adjustment.
M-Business Client also has to be installed onto each user’s device.
You must have established at least one partnership with a mobile device in ActiveSync before installing M-
Business Client. For information on partnerships, see Microsoft’s documentation.
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