You must have established at least one partnership with a mobile device in ActiveSync before installing M-
Business Client. For information on partnerships, see Microsoft’s documentation.
Windows Mobile 5 mobile device requirements
♦ Windows Mobile 5 devices, including Windows Mobile and Handheld PC devices, using ARM
processors with 2 MB of free memory.
♦ Windows Mobile 5 2003 with 2 MB of free memory.
iAnywhere has verified that the following devices are compatible with the current release:
♦ Dell X51 and Dell X51v
♦ iPAQ™ RX1950
♦ Palm Treo 700w
Windows Mobile 5 User Guide chapters
In addition to the chapters that apply to all platforms, see the following chapters for detailed instructions
that are specific to Windows Mobile 5:
♦ “Configuring a server connection on Windows Mobile 5 or 6, or Microsoft Smartphone” on page 205
♦ “Using M-Business Client on Windows Mobile 5 or 6, or Microsoft Smartphone” on page 219
Windows Mobile 6 devices
Windows Mobile 6 desktop computer requirements
♦ Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or 6.0 or 7.0
Mozilla Firefox 2.0
If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer proxy settings to connect to M-Business Server, you must use
Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher with 128-bit encryption. See “Configuring proxy server
settings” on page 49.
♦ Microsoft Mobile Device Center (MDC) version required by your Windows Mobile Pocket PC model
System requirements
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