CHAPTER 2 Running Adaptive Server IQ
* Not supported in ODBC connections
** Verbose form of keyword not supported in DSN and FILEDSN connection
• Boolean (true or false) arguments are either YES, ON, 1, or TRUE if true,
or NO, OFF, 0, or FALSE if false.
• Connection parameters and their values are case insensitive.
• The connection parameters used by the interface library can be obtained
from the following places (in order of precedence):
• Connection string
• SQLCONNECT environment variable
• Data sources
• The server name must be composed of characters in the range 1 to 127 of
the ASCII character set. There is no such limitation on other parameters.
For more information on the character set issues, see “Connection strings
and character sets”.
• The following rules govern the priority of parameters:
Logfile LOG String Send client error
messages and
debugging messages to
a file.
Password ** PWD String Provide a password for
the connection
ServerName ENG String Specify server to
connect to
StartLine Start String Start a database server
running from an
application (for
embedded databases).
Unconditional UNC Yes/No Stop a server even if
connections are active
Userid ** UID String User ID with which you
log on to the database
form Argument Description