
CHAPTER 2 Running Adaptive Server IQ
* Not supported in ODBC connections
** Verbose form of keyword not supported in DSN and FILEDSN connection
Boolean (true or false) arguments are either YES, ON, 1, or TRUE if true,
or NO, OFF, 0, or FALSE if false.
Connection parameters and their values are case insensitive.
The connection parameters used by the interface library can be obtained
from the following places (in order of precedence):
Connection string
SQLCONNECT environment variable
Data sources
The server name must be composed of characters in the range 1 to 127 of
the ASCII character set. There is no such limitation on other parameters.
For more information on the character set issues, see “Connection strings
and character sets”.
The following rules govern the priority of parameters:
Logfile LOG String Send client error
messages and
debugging messages to
a file.
Password ** PWD String Provide a password for
the connection
ServerName ENG String Specify server to
connect to
StartLine Start String Start a database server
running from an
application (for
embedded databases).
Unconditional UNC Yes/No Stop a server even if
connections are active
Userid ** UID String User ID with which you
log on to the database
form Argument Description