CHAPTER 1 Overview of Adaptive Server IQ System Administration
Table 1-2: Stored Procedures for the IQ Store
Adaptive Server Enterprise system and catalog procedures
Adaptive Server Enterprise provides system and catalog procedures to carry
out many administrative functions and to obtain system information. Adaptive
Server IQ has implemented support for some of these procedures.
Procedure name Purpose
sp_iqcheckdb Checks the validity of the current
database and repairs indexes
sp_iqcommandstats Gives statistics on execution of
various commands
sp_iqdbsize Gives the size of the current database
sp_iqdbstatistics Reports results of the most recent
Estimates the space needed to create
join indexes for the tables you specify
sp_iqestdbspaces Estimates the number and size of
dbspaces needed for a given total
index size
sp_iqestspace Estimates the amount of space needed
to create a database, based on the
number of rows in the underlying
database tables.
sp_iqindex Lists indexes and information about
them. Omitting the parameter lists all
indexes in the database. Specifying the
table_name parameter lists indexes for
this table only.
sp_iqindexsize Gives the size of the specified index
sp_iqjoinindexsize Gives the size of the specified join
sp_iqstatus Displays miscellaneous status
information about the database
sp_iqtable Lists tables and information about
them. Omitting the parameter lists all
tables in the database. Specifying the
table_name parameter lists columns
for this table only.
sp_iqtablesize Gives the size of the specified table