How Adaptive Server IQ makes connections
• The network search involves a search over one or more of the protocols
that Adaptive Server IQ supports. For each protocol, the network library
starts a single port. All connections over that protocol at any one time use
a single port.
• You can specify a set of network communication parameters for each
network port in the argument to the
CommLinks parameter. Since these
parameters are used only when the port first starts, the interface library
ignores any connection parameters specified in
CommLinks for a part
already started.
• Each attempt to locate a server (the local attempt and the attempt for each
network port) involves two steps. First, the interfaces library looks in the
server name cache to see if a server of that name is available. Second, it
uses the available connection parameters to attempt a connection.
• The default server is the first one started on a machine. This server gains
use of the shared memory port.