CHAPTER 5 Moving Data In and Out of Databases
• When an arithmetic operation results in a higher scale than the
predetermined scale, Adaptive Server IQ truncates the results to fit the
scale after it has been determined using the rules defined in the Adaptive
Server IQ Reference Manual.
If your results require rounding of the values instead of truncation, you should
use the
ROUND function in your command. However, for inserts, the ROUND
function can only be part of its query expression.
The maximum precision for numeric data is 126.
Matching Adaptive Server Enterprise data types
The tables below show which Adaptive Server IQ data types are compatible
with Adaptive Server Enterprise data types.
Here are some general rules:
• Adaptive Server IQ character string types accept any Adaptive Server
Enterprise character string type.
• Adaptive Server IQ exact numeric types accept any Adaptive Server
Enterprise number types. However, if the Adaptive Server IQ data type
holds a smaller amount of data than the Adaptive Server Enterprise type,
the value converts to a NULL (for example, when inserting data from the
underlying database into tables).
• Adaptive Server IQ date/time types accept any Adaptive Server Enterprise
date/time types.
Unsupported Adaptive Server Enterprise data types
These Adaptive Server Enterprise data types are not supported by Adaptive
Server IQ in this version:
• nvarchar
• text
• varbinary
• image