CHAPTER 13 Monitoring and Tuning Performance
Block#: 95065709
Temporary IQ Blocks Used: 610 of 17646576, 0%=4Mb, Max Block#: 0
Main Reserved Blocks Available: 1280 of 1280, 100%=10Mb
Temporary Reserved Blocks Available: 1280 of 1280, 100%=10Mb
Memory: Current: 3351mb, Max: 3384mb
Main IQ Buffers: Used: 11172, Locked: 0
Temporary IQ Buffers: Used: 38, Locked: 0
Main IQ I/O: I: L88043944/P495510 O:
C760342/D761393/P736587 D:24753 C:65.9
Temporary IQ I/O: I: L16515025/P1222153 O:
D:2609913 C:46.3
Old Versions: 1 = 59Gb
Active Txn Versions: 0 = C:0Mb/D:0Mb
Monitoring the buffer caches
Adaptive Server IQ provides a tool to monitor the performance of the buffer
caches. This monitor collects statistics on the buffer cache, memory, and I/O
functions taking place within Adaptive Server IQ, and stores them in a log file.
Buffer cache performance is a key factor in overall performance of Adaptive
Server IQ. Using the information the monitor provides, you can fine tune the
amount of memory you allocate to the main and temp buffer caches. If one
cache is performing significantly more I/O than the other, reallocate some of
the memory appropriately. Reallocate in small amounts such as 10 to 50MB
and on an iterative basis. After reallocating, rerun the workload and monitor
the changes in performance.
Starting the buffer cache monitor
You run the Adaptive Server IQ buffer cache monitor from DBISQL. Each
time you start the monitor it runs as a separate kernel thread within DBISQL.
Use this syntax to start the monitor:
[ ... ]’
MAIN starts monitoring of the main buffer cache, for the IQ Store of the
database you are connected to.