CHAPTER 2 Running Adaptive Server IQ
Configuration file for
the sample database
The asiqdemo.cfg file, which you use to start the sample database, sets startup
parameters to the recommended defaults. You can also use this file as a
template for your own configuration files. Chapter 3, “Running and
Connecting to Servers”, Introduction to Adaptive Server IQ gives an example
of the sample database configuration file. This file is found in
demo/asiqdemo.cfg in your installation directory.
A note about defaults
In the discussion of individual server options that follows, “default” means the
value that applies if you start the server with the
asiqsrv12 command, or from
the Windows NT Start menu, and do not specify a different value.
If you start the server with the
start_asiq UNIX startup utility, or with
asiqdemo.cfg or your own configuration file, many of these options are set to
other values.
Naming restrictions
Do not use hyphenated names or reserved words for database names, user
identifiers or server names, even enclosed in quotation marks. For example, the
following are not allowed:
For a complete list of reserved words (keywords), see the Adaptive Server IQ
Reference Manual.
Naming the server and databases
You can use the -n command-line option as a database switch (to name the
database) or as a server switch (to name the server). The server switch is
required if you do not supply a database.
The server and database names are among the connection parameters that client
applications can use when connecting to a database. On Windows NT, the
server name appears on the desktop icon and on the title bar of the server
Default names
If no server name is provided, the default server name is the name of the first
database started.
The default database name is the root of the Catalog Store file name (the file
name without a directory path or the .db extension). For example, in the
following command line the first database is named
mydb, the second database
sample, and the server is named mydb.