PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 519
Displaying GVRP information
This display shows the following information.
To display detailed information for all VLANs, enter the show gvrp vlan all command.
Displaying GVRP statistics
To display GVRP statistics for a port, enter a command such as the following.
Syntax: show gvrp statistics all | ethernet <port>
Specify the <port> variable in the following formats:
TABLE 85 CLI display of summary VLAN information for GVRP
This field... Displays...
VLAN-INDEX A number used as an index into the internal database.
STATIC Whether the VLAN is a statically configured VLAN.
DEFAULT Whether this is the default VLAN.
BASE-VLAN Whether this is the base VLAN for GVRP.
Timer to Delete Entry Running Whether all ports have left the VLAN and the timer to delete the VLAN itself is
running. The timer is described in the note for the Leave timer in “Changing the
GVRP timers” on page 512.
Legend The meanings of the letter codes used in other parts of the display.
Forbidden Members The ports that cannot become members of a VLAN advertised or leaned by
Fixed Members The ports that are statically configured members of the VLAN. GVRP cannot
remove these ports.
Normal(Dynamic) Members The ports that were added by GVRP. These ports also can be removed by GVRP.
MODE The type of VLAN, which can be one of the following:
• STATIC – The VLAN is statically configured and cannot be removed by
GVRP. This includes VLANs you have configured as well as the default
VLAN (1), base GVRP VLAN (4093), and Single STP VLAN (4094).
• DYNAMIC – The VLAN was learned through GVRP.
PowerConnect#show gvrp statistics ethernet 2/1
PORT 2/1 Statistics:
Leave All Received : 147
Join Empty Received : 4193
Join In Received : 599
Leave Empty Received : 0
Leave In Received : 0
Empty Received : 588
Leave All Transmitted : 157
Join Empty Transmitted : 1794
Join In Transmitted : 598
Leave Empty Transmitted : 0
Leave In Transmitted : 0
Empty Transmitted : 1248
Invalid Messages/Attributes Skipped : 0
Failed Registrations : 0