122 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide
Managing your IronStack
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For field descriptions for the show chassis command, refer to “Displaying chassis information” on
page 133.
Removing MAC address entries
You can remove the following types of learned MAC address entries from the Dell system MAC
address table:
• All MAC address entries
• All MAC address entries for a specified Ethernet port
• All MAC address entries for a specified VLAN
• A specified MAC address entry in all VLANs
For example, to remove entries for the MAC address 000d.cb80.00d in all VLANs, enter the
following command at the Privileged EXEC level of the CLI.
PowerConnect# clear mac-address 000d.cb80.00d0
Syntax: clear mac-address <mac-address> | ethernet <port> | vlan <number>
• If you enter the clear mac-address command without any parameters, the software removes all
MAC entries.
• Use the <mac-address> parameter to remove a specified MAC address from all VLANs. Specify
the MAC address in the following format: HHHH.HHHH.HHHH.
• Use the ethernet <port> parameter to remove all MAC addresses for a specified Ethernet port.
Specify the <port> variable in the format <stack-unit/slotnum/portnum>.
• Use the vlan <number> parameter to remove all MAC addresses for a specified VLAN.
IronStack unit identification
Stack units are identified by numbers 1 though 8. You can display stack unit IDs by entering the
show stack command (refer to “Displaying IronStack information” on page 131).
A new device (one that has not been connected in an IronStack or has not been manually assigned
a stack unit number) ships with a default number of 1. Once you enable stacking and the unit
becomes part of an IronStack, its default stack unit number changes to the lowest available
number in the stack.
Stack units must each have a unique identification number. Every stack member, including any
standalone units, retains its stack unit number unless that number is already being used in the
stack, or until you manually renumber the unit using secure-setup. For more information about how
to renumber stack IDs using secure-setup, refer to “Renumbering stack units” on page 149