PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 61
Image file types
Image file types
This section lists the boot and flash image file types supported and how to install them on the
PowerConnect family of switches. For information about a specific version of code, refer to the
release notes.
Viewing the contents of flash files
The copy flash console command can be used to display the contents of a configuration file,
backup file, or renamed file stored in flash memory. The file contents are displayed on the console
when the command is entered at the CLI.
To display a list of files stored in flash memory, do one of the following:
• For PowerConnect B-Series FCX devices, enter the show dir command at any level of the CLI, or
enter the dir command at the boot-monitor mode.
The following shows an example command output.
Syntax: show dir
To display the contents of a flash configuration file, enter a command such as the following from
the User EXEC or Privileged EXEC mode of the CLI:
TABLE 13 Software image files
Product Boot image
Flash image
PowerConnect B-Series FCX GRZxxxxxx.bin FCXSxxxxx.bin (Layer 2) or
FCXRxxxxx.bin (Layer 3)
PowerConnect#show dir
133 [38f4] boot-parameter
0 [ffff] bootrom
3802772 [0000] primary
4867691 [0000] secondary
163 [dd8e] stacking.boot
1773 [0d2d] startup-config
1808 [acfa] startup-config.backup
8674340 bytes 7 File(s)
56492032 bytes free