PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 1045
The filters must already be configured.
The community <num> parameter specifies a community ACL.
The ACL must already be configured.
The community <ACL> exact-match parameter matches a route if (and only if) the route's
community attributes field contains the same community numbers specified in the match
The ip address | next-hop <ACL-num> | prefix-list <string> parameter specifies an ACL or IP prefix
list. Use this parameter to match based on the destination network or next-hop gateway. To
configure an IP ACL for use with this command, use the ip access-list command. Refer to “ACL
overview” on page 548. To configure an IP prefix list, use the ip prefix-list command. Refer to
“Defining IP prefix lists” on page 1041.
The ip route-source <ACL> | prefix <name> parameter matches based on the source of a route
(the IP address of the neighbor from which the Dell PowerConnect device learned the route).
The metric <num> parameter compares the route MED (metric) to the specified value.
The next-hop <address-filter-list> parameter compares the IP address of the route next hop to the
specified IP address filters. The filters must already be configured.
The nlri multicast | unicast | multicast unicast parameter specifies whether you want the route
map to match on multicast routes, unicast routes, or both route types.
By default, route maps apply to both unicast and multicast traffic.
The route-type internal | external-type1 | external-type2 parameter applies only to OSPF routes.
This parameter compares the route type to the specified value.
The tag <tag-value> parameter compares the route tag to the specified value.
Match examples using ACLs
The following sections show some detailed examples of how to configure route maps that include
match statements that match on ACLs.
Matching based on AS-path ACL
To construct a route map that matches based on AS-path ACL 1, enter the following commands.
PowerConnect(config)#route-map PathMap permit 1
PowerConnect(config-routemap PathMap)#match as-path 1
Syntax: match as-path <num>
The <num> parameter specifies an AS-path ACL and can be a number from 1 through 199. You can
specify up to five AS-path ACLs. To configure an AS-path ACL, use the ip as-path access-list
command. Refer to “Defining an AS-path ACL” on page 1036.
Matching based on community ACL
To construct a route map that matches based on community ACL 1, enter the following commands.