210 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide
Configuring standard STP parameters
The CLI converts the STP groups into topology groups when you save the configuration. For
backward compatibility, you can still use the STP group commands. However, the CLI converts the
commands into the topology group syntax. Likewise, the show stp-group command displays STP
topology groups.
Enabling or disabling STP globally
Use the following method to enable or disable STP on a device on which you have not configured
port-based VLANs.
When you configure a VLAN, the VLAN inherits the global STP settings. However, once you begin to
define a VLAN, you can no longer configure standard STP parameters globally using the CLI. From
that point on, you can configure STP only within individual VLANs.
To enable STP for all ports in all VLANs on a Dell PowerConnect device, enter the following
This command enables a separate spanning tree in each VLAN, including the default VLAN.
Syntax: [no] spanning-tree
Enabling or disabling STP in a port-based VLAN
Use the following procedure to disable or enable STP on a device on which you have configured a
port-based VLAN. Changing the STP state in a VLAN affects only that VLAN.
To enable STP for all ports in a port-based VLAN, enter commands such as the following.
PowerConnect(config)#vlan 10
Syntax: [no] spanning-tree
Enabling or disabling STP on an individual port
Use the following procedure to disable or enable STP on an individual port.
If you change the STP state of the primary port in a trunk group, it affects all ports in the trunk group.
To enable STP on an individual port, enter commands such as the following.
PowerConnect(config)#interface 1/1
Syntax: [no] spanning-tree
Changing STP bridge and port parameters
Table 48 on page 208 and Table 49 on page 209 list the default STP parameters. If you need to
change the default value for an STP parameter, use the following procedures.