1416 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide
Syslog messages
Warning No global IP! cannot send IGMP msg. The device is configured for ip multicast
active but there is no configured IP address
and the device cannot send out IGMP
Warning No of prefixes received from BGP peer
<ip-addr> exceeds warning limit <num>
The Layer 3 Switch has received more than
the allowed percentage of prefixes from the
The <ip-addr> is the IP address of the
The <num> is the number of prefixes that
matches the percentage you specified. For
example, if you specified a threshold of 100
prefixes and 75 percent as the warning
threshold, this message is generated if the
Layer 3 Switch receives a 76th prefix from
the neighbor.
Warning NTP server <ip-addr> failed to respond Indicates that a Simple Network Time
Protocol (SNTP) server did not respond to
the device query for the current time.
The <ip-addr> indicates the IP address of
the SNTP server.
Warning rip filter list <list-num> <direction> V1 | V2
denied <ip-addr>, <num> packets
Indicates that a RIP route filter denied
(dropped) packets.
The <list-num> is the ID of the filter list.
The <direction> indicates whether the filter
was applied to incoming packets or
outgoing packets. The value can be one of
the following:
• in
• out
The V1 or V2 value specifies the RIP version
(RIPv1 or RIPv2).
The <ip-addr> indicates the network
number in the denied updates.
The <num> indicates how many packets
matching the values above were dropped
during the five-minute interval represented
by the log entry.
Warning Temperature is over warning level. The chassis temperature has risen above
the warning level.
TABLE 239 Syslog messages (Continued)
Message level Message Explanation