
For information on the Mac OS X printer driver settings, refer to the following topics.
Main Pane →P.485
You can specify the media type, color processing, print quality, print preview, and other settings. Choose Easy Set-
tings to specify basic print settings based on the printing application or Advanced Settings to complete more detailed
settings as desired.
Paper Detailed Settings Dialog Box →P.491
View settings Dialog Box for the Printing Application →P.492
Color Settings Pane: Color →P.499
Object Adjustment dialog box: Color →P.500
Matching pane →P.493
Ambient Light Adjust dialog box →P.496
Light Source Check Tool →P.498
Color Settings Pane: Monochrome →P.501
Object Adjustment dialog box: Monochrome →P.502
Gray Adjustment Pane →P.503
Page Setup Pane →P.505
You can specify the page size of the original, borderless printing, enlargement or reduction, the orientation, the paper
size and source, and automatic cutting.
Utility Pane →P.507
You can specify settings related to maintenance for the Printhead and feed amount, as well as settings for Color im-
ageRUNNER Enlargement Copy.
Mac OS X Software
Printer Driver
Printer Driver Settings iPF6300