• Canon genuine paper and Canon feed confirmed paper are detailed in the Paper Reference Guide. Any other
paper is called custom paper.
Operating Environment
You can use Media Configuration Tool in the following environments.
• Compatible Operating System
Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7
• Software that requires installation
imagePROGRAF Printer Driver
Installation Procedures
The Media Configuration Tool installation screen appears when you start the installation of a new version of the Media
Configuration Tool. The installation procedure started from this screen is described below.
• If the printer driver is installed from the User Software CD-ROM, the Media Configuration Tool is also in-
stalled and the media information is also configured. Therefore, the following procedure does not normally
need to be performed. To install the Media Configuration Tool without using the User Software CD-ROM,
such as when you have downloaded a new version of the Media Configuration Tool from the Canon website,
use the following procedure.
• You must be logged in as Administrator when installing software in Windows.
1. Start the Media Configuration Tool installer.
Click the Next button.
Windows Software
Media Configuration Tool
Operating Environment iPF6300