• Utility Sheet →P.237
You can specify settings related to maintenance for the Printhead and feed amount, as well as settings for Color im-
ageRUNNER Enlargement Copy.
• Support Sheet →P.238
You can view support information and the user manual.
• Device Settings Sheet →P.240
You can display settings for optional equipment installed on the printer and see the version information for the printer
imagePROGRAF Free Layout is a feature for freely arranging originals from various source applications on a single page
as desired before printing. For details, see Free Layout →P.254 .
Color imageRUNNER Enlargement Copy is a feature for automatic enlargement and printing of scanned originals from a
Color imageRUNNER. For details, see Color imageRUNNER Enlargement Copy →P.284 .
• Color imageRUNNER Enlargement Copy and imagePROGRAF Free Layout cannot be used on 64-bit
version of Windows.
Specifying Paper in the Printer Driver
If you have replaced the paper, you must complete the following settings in the printer driver.
• Always specify the same type and size of paper in the printer menu and printer driver.
1. Choose Print in the application menu.
2. Select the printer in the dialog box, and then display the printer driver dialog box.(See "Accessing the Printer Driv-
er Dialog Box from Applications →P.205 ")
Windows Software
Printer Driver
Specifying Paper in the Printer Driver iPF6300