Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 64
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
2.6 Voicemail Email
Voicemail Email allows the voicemail server to provide a number of email functions:
· Forward a Message to Email
If the voicemail server is set to IP Office mailbox mode, mailbox users are able to manually forward an voicemail
message to their email.
· Automatic New Voicemail Messages
For all mailbox modes, users can use voicemail email to automatically have a message sent to their email whenever
they receive a new voicemail message. The email can be a simple alert or it can include a copy of the voicemail as
an attachment.
· eMail Action
With customized call flows, an eMail action can be used to send a caller's recorded voicemail message to a
specified email address.
· UMS Exchange 2007
In conjunction with Exchange 2007 and Outlook 2007, users are able to use their Outlook inbox as their mailbox for
voicemail messages.
Voicemail Email features requires the voicemail server to be configured for access to either an SMTP email server or to a
MAPI email server via a MAPI enabled email client program on the voicemail server PC.
· SMTP Installation
This is an email standard supported by most email servers. It is the default email mode for the voicemail server.
· MAPI Installation
MAPI requires a MAPI compliant email client program to be installed on the Voicemail Pro server. Supported MAPI
clients are Outlook 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007. It also requires the Voicemail Pro service to be run using a user
account that is able to send emails via that MAPI client.
· The exact method of integration between the voicemail server and the MAPI email client depends on whether
the voicemail server is part of a work group or a domain. This guide contains examples for both approaches.
· The MAPI process described in this guide was based on Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional with Microsoft
Outlook 2000 and Microsoft Outlook Express 5.5. Steps may differ depending on the version of Windows and
email client used.
2.6.1 SMTP Setup
By default the Voicemail Pro server is installed defaulted to SMTP operation and the necessary details of the SMTP server
account to use are requested as part of the Voicemail Pro server installation.
To install Voicemail Pro for SMTP Voicemail Email
Obtain details of an email account that the Voicemail Pro service can use from whoever administrates the
customer's email server. The details required are:
· Email address.
· Server SMTP address.
· Email account user name and password.
· Whether the email server uses CHAP.
Install the Voicemail Pro software .
When requested, enter the email address .
When requested, enter the Voicemail Pro SMTP email account settings.
Configure the IP Office user and group accounts with the email addresses.