This method is used to play a wave file through voicemail to the active connection.
· wav (String)
This contains the name of the wave file to be played or the name of a system parameter to be
spoken. The following formats are allowable. If the string just contains numbers, then the digits
are played, for example 12345 plays "one two three four five". If the fully qualified path is
specified (drive:\path\file) then the full specified pathname is used otherwise the file is relative to
the WAVS directory.
· $NAM
Plays the recorded name for the mailbox if one has been recorded. If a name has not been
recorded then optional TTS can be used (providing it has been licensed).
· $TIME:hh[:mm[:ss] [ Y][ dd[/mm[/yy]]]] = Plays out the specified time and date. The
hours to speak must always be specified and optional the number of minutes, seconds, day,
month and year. Note that the actual prompts spoken and order of playing of the elements
varies according to locale. Further examples are given in the table below:
· English UK: "At eleven hour fifty five, date twenty first September two oh oh three".
· English US: "Sunday September twenty first, eleven fifty five AM".
· $QPOS [:position] = This plays out "You are at queue position 'position' in the queue".
· $QTIM [:eta] = This plays out “Estimated time to answer is 'eta' minutes".
· $MSGN:msgs = Plays out the specified number of new messages. For example $MSGN:10
plays "You have ten new messages".
· $MSGO:msgs = Plays out the specified number of old messages. For example $MSGN:0
plays "You have no old messages".
· $MSGS:msgs = Plays out the specified number of saved messages. For example $MSGS:5
plays "You have five saved messages".
Play out the contents of the call variable.
· [GREETING]\greeting
Plays out the greeting stored within the greetings directory. The .WAV extension is
automatically appended.
· [ACCOUNTS]\mailbox\message
Plays out the message stored within the specified mailbox. The .WAV extension is
automatically appended.
· [CAMPAIGN]\campaign\message
Plays out a campaign message stored within the specified campaign. The .WAV extension is
automatically appended.
· wait (Boolean)
This optional parameter specifes whether voicemail should return immediately (0) or wait until the
wave file has been played first (1).
· interruptables (String, Default = "Any")
This is for future development.
· dlgid (Long. Default = 0)
The connection for the voicemail session.