Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 427
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Appendix: Installing Networked Messaging (VPNM)
8.7.1 Requirements for VPNM
Check that the following requirements have been before attempting to install VPNM:
· A Voicemail Pro server with VPNM installed connected to each IP Office system. Each system will need a license for
both Voicemail Pro and VPNM.
· All systems in the VPNM network need to be tested to ensure that they can communicate across the IP network. It
is suggested that you test the following:
· Ping the IP Addresses.
· Ping the computer names. If in a domain, ping the fully qualified domain name.
· The VMPro Servers must have an SMTP server installed. This can be done using the SMTP component of Internet
Information Service (IIS).
· To test type "Telnet <the name of the SMTP server> 25".
· Server names, where entered, must be fully qualified domain names.
· Voicemail Pro should not be installed on the same server as Exchange and/or the domain controller.