Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 360
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Examples of Time Playback
"$TIME:0", True, "Any", dlgid
"$TIME:11", True, "Any", dlgid
"$TIME:12", True, "Any", dlgid
"$TIME:13", True, "Any", dlgid
"At Thirteen Hour Hundred"
"$TIME:23", True, "Any", dlgid
"At Twenty Three Hour
"$TIME:24", True, "Any", dlgid
"$TIME:0:00:00 Y", True, "Any", dlgid
"Yesterday At Midnight Oh
"Thursday May Seventh
Twelve Midnight"
"$TIME:11:00:00 Y", True, "Any", dlgid
"Yesterday At Eleven Hour O’
"Thursday May Seventh
Eleven AM"
"$TIME:12:00:00 Y", True, "Any", dlgid
"Yesterday At Twelve Hour O’
"Thursday May Seventh
Twelve Noon"
"$TIME:13:00:00 Y", True, "Any", dlgid
"Yesterday At Thirteen Hour
"Thursday May Seventh One
"$TIME:23:00:00 Y", True, "Any", dlgid
"Yesterday At Twenty Three
Hour Hundred"
"Thursday May Seventh
Eleven PM"
"$TIME:24:00:00 Y", True, "Any", dlgid
"$TIME:0:00:00 13/10/2008", True, "Any", dlgid
"At Midnight Oh Zero date
Thirteenth October Two Oh
Oh Eight"
"Monday October Thirteenth
Twelve Midnight"
"$TIME:11:00:00 13/10/2008", True, "Any", dlgid
"At Eleven Hour O’Clock Date
Thirteenth October Two Oh
Oh Eight"
"Monday October Thirteenth
Eleven AM"
"$TIME:12:00:00 13/10/2008", True, "Any", dlgid
"At Twelve Hour O’Clock
Date Thirteenth October Two
Oh Oh Eight"
"Monday October Thirteenth
Twelve Noon"
"$TIME:13:00:00 13/10/2008", True, "Any", dlgid
"At Thirteen Hour Hundred
Date Thirteenth October Two
Oh Oh Eight"
"Monday October Thirteenth
One PM"
"$TIME:23:00:00 13/10/2008", True, "Any", dlgid
"At Twenty Three Hour
Hundred Date Thirteenth
October Two Oh Oh Eight"
"Monday October Thirteenth
Eleven PM"
"$TIME:24:00:00 13/10/2008", True, "Any", dlgid
"At Midnight Oh Zero Date
Thirteenth October Two Oh
Oh Eight"
"Monday October Thirteenth
Twelve Midnight"