Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 223
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Voicemail Pro Actions: Telephony Actions
4.7.5 Whisper
The Whisper action allows a recording made by the caller to be played to a transfer target while the caller is held.
While listening to the recording and prompts the transfer target can either accept the call by pressing 1 or reject the call
by pressing any other key or hanging up.
The caller recording is obtained by a Voice Question or Listen action preceding the Whisper action. The Whisper action
also allows several text items to be set for display on the transfer target extension and for prompts to be played before
and after the caller's recording.
Voicemail Pro 5.0+ allows the action to be used without requiring a recording. The transfer target decides whether to
accept or reject the call based on the displayed information and the prompts if they have been setup. Voicemail Pro 5.0+
also allows the whisper call transfer to be automatically accepted after the recording (if any) and prompts have been
played to the transfer target.
Click the Telephony Actions icon and select Whisper.
The General , Entry Prompts , Reporting and Results tabs are standard tabs available to all
Select the Specific tab. Complete the fields with relevant details.
· Play Recording (Voicemail Pro 5.0+)
If not selected, the call is presented to the target without playing the caller's recording. This allows the action
to be used without requiring a recording from the caller. The prompts before and prompts after recording are
still played if they have been setup.
· Auto Accept (Voicemail Pro 5.0+)
If selected, after the recording has been played the caller is automatically connected without the target
extension having to accept the call. If this option is used, the Reject result connection is not useable. If the
user extension is set to auto-answer, the whisper call is answered, the recording and prompts played and the
call connected without any action by the target.
· Play recording to
Enter the extension that is rung with the caller's recording.
· Source of transfer
Displayed in the caller's number field on Avaya phones.
· Description
Displayed in the caller's name field on Avaya phones.
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