Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 122
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
3.4 Saving Changes and Making them Live
The call flow settings shown and edited using the Voicemail Pro client are stored in a database file (Vmdata.mdb) on the
voicemail server. However, when edited, the changes are not automatically applied to the operation of the voicemail
server. Instead the database file must be converted to a separate file (Root.vmp), that being the file that is used by the
voicemail server for its current operation.
To save the configuration and make it live
Choose Save & Make Live to save the settings as the Root.vmp file used by the voicemail server.
· If you are working remotely in Offline mode, you will be prompted to select whether to save your changes to
the local database or to the remote server.
To save the configuration to a file without making it live
Call flow settings can be saved to a .vmp file and then included in the operation of another voicemail system.
Choose Save as to save the database as a .vmp file with the name that you specify. You can then copy the file
to other systems.
3.5 Logging Out
It can be useful to connect to a system to download the current system configuration and then disconnect and make
changes offline. You can then test configuration changes offline before applying them to a live system.
To log out:
From the File menu, select Log Out.
You are logged out of the Voicemail Pro server and placed in offline mode. You can either make configuration
changes offline and then log back in when you are ready or log on to a different server to work. See Logging in to
the Voicemail Pro Server .
· Logging out is not the same as closing down with the Exit option. See Closing Down .
· If the Client and Server are installed on the same machine, the Log Out option is not available.
3.6 Voicemail Shutdown or Suspend
You can request that the voicemail server either shuts down or is suspended:
· Suspend
The IP Office will stop sending calls to the voicemail server until it receives an instruction to resume voicemail or
the server is restarted.
· Shut Down
The IP Office will stop sending calls to the voicemail server until the voicemail services are restarted or the
server is restarted. Initially the shut down is a polite shut down
· If a shut down is selected, the voicemail server will wait for all call to cease before it shuts down. To do this it will
first send a request to the IP Office hosting it, requesting that the IP Office stops sending any new calls to
voicemail. Once all current calls have ended, the voicemail server will shut down.
· If necessary, an immediate shut down can be selected which will end all calls in progress.
· If the voicemail server is a distributed voicemail server, when shut down, new calls to voicemail are rerouted to the
central voicemail server.
· If the voicemail server is a centralized voicemail server with a backup server, when shut down, new calls to
voicemail are rerouted to the backup server.
Starting the Shut Down or Call Suspension Process
Select File and then Voicemail Shutdown.