Chapter 6 547
Programming Fundamentals
Programming in C Using the VTL
Programming Fundamentals
language. The viPrintf call sends the IEEE 488.2
*RST command to the instrument and puts it in a
known state. The viPrintf call is used again to query
for the device identification (*IDN?). The viScanf call
is then used to read the results.
viClose This function must be used to close each session. When
you close a device session, all data structures that had
been allocated for the session will be de-allocated.
When you close the default manager session, all
sessions opened using the default manager session will
be closed.
Linking to VTL Libraries
Your application must link to one of the VTL import libraries:
32-bit Version:
C:\VXIPNP\WIN95\LIB\MSC\VISA32.LIB for Microsoft compilers
C:\VXIPNP\WIN95\LIB\BC\VISA32.LIB for Borland compilers
16-bit Version:
C:\VXIPNP\WIN\LIB\MSC\VISA.LIB for Microsoft compilers
C:\VXIPNP\WIN\LIB\BC\VISA.LIB for Borland compilers
See the following section, “Compiling and Linking a VTL Program” for
information on how to use the VTL run-time libraries.
Compiling and Linking a VTL Program
32-bit Applications
The following is a summary of important compiler-specific
considerations for several C/C++ compiler products when developing
WIN32 applications.
For Microsoft Visual C++ version 2.0 compilers:
• Select Project | Update All Dependencies from the menu.
• Select Project | Settings from the menu. Click on the C/C++
button. Select Code Generation from the Use Run-Time
Libraries list box. VTL requires these definitions for WIN32. Click
on OK to close the dialog boxes.
• Select Project | Settings from the menu. Click on the Link
button and add visa32.lib to the Object / Library Modules
list box. Optionally, you may add the library directly to your project
file. Click on OK to close the dialog boxes.
• You may wish to add the include file and library file search paths.