Chapter 4 221
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Instrument Functions: P - Z
4.2 Preset
Presetting the instrument provides a known convenient starting point of the instrument
state for making measurements. There are three possible actions when you press the
• For preset type Mode (default), the green Preset key immediately performs a mode preset.
See the descriptions below. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset Type to select the preset
• For preset type Factory, the green Preset key immediately performs a factory preset.
See the descriptions below. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset Type to select the preset
• For preset type User, the green Preset key brings up a menu of preset key choices. You
must press one of these keys to initiate an instrument preset.
— Pressing User Preset resets to the settings/values that you have previously defined as
the User preset state using the Save User Preset key.
— Pressing Mode Preset does not change the mode; it only resets the current mode
settings to the factory defaults.
— Pressing Factory Preset resets the settings for all the modes to the factory defaults.
The factory preset mode is Spectrum Analysis with continuous sweep. If you are not
already in the Spectrum Analysis mode, it switches to that mode.
• Pressing Save User Preset saves the current user settings.
None of these instrument presets resets “persistent” functions such as GPIB address,
time/date display style, or auto-alignment state to the factory defaults. See “Restore Sys
Defaults” on page 231.
Preset Type is set to Factory in the System menu, pressing the Preset front-panel key
performs a factory preset, which implements the following:
• Resets the analyzer to Spectrum Analyzer mode.
• Brings up the Freq menu, with no active function.
• Sets certain conditions, in all modes, to their default values.
• Clears the input and output buffers and all the trace data.
• Amplitude-correction factors are turned off, but remain in analyzer memory.
• Limit line testing is turned off, but the limit line tables remain in analyzer memory.
• The status byte is set to 0.
NOTE Recalling any state, including the user preset state, will affect the conditions
of more parameters than are affected by a factory preset. For example,
external preamp gain and input impedance correction are not affected by a
factory preset but will be affected by a user preset.
Key Path: Front-panel key