Chapter 2 133
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L Trace
Displays all trace files (TRC and CSV) in the selected directory. If selected, it applies to all
File functions.
Key Path:
File, Catalog, Type Limits
Displays all limits files (LIM) in the selected directory.
Key Path:
File, Catalog, Type Screen
Displays all screen files (GIF and WMF) in the selected directory.
Key Path:
File, Catalog, Type Corrections
Displays all correction files (ANT, CBL, OTH, and AMP) in the selected directory. Sort
Displays the
Sort menu keys that enable you to view your saved files according to a selected
file attribute.The selections include, By Date, By Name, By Extension, By Size,andOrder. Order
(Up) sorts files in ascending order (for example, A,B,C). Order (Down) sorts files in
descending order (for example, C,B,A).
Sort setting applies to all of the File functions, except Save.
Key Path:
File, Catalog
State Saved: The Sort order survives Preset, but is not saved in the instrument state.
Remote Command:
There is no remote command for this key. By Date
Sorts and displays the current file catalog by the date of the files.
Key Path:
File, Catalog, Sort By Name
Sorts and displays the current file catalog in alphabetical order of the name of the files.