130 Chapter2
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L
2.5.1 Catalog
Displays directories and files located on the selected drive, depending upon the preferences
set under the Type (page 131)andSort (page 133)keys.Catalog displays menus to navigate
the drives and to sort and select the files you wish to view.
NOTE The internal analyzer “drive” (C:\) is not an actual disk drive, but an area of
nonvolatile (flash) memory which is presented as though it were a disk drive.
The internal analyzer “drive” (I:\) is used for instrument firmware and
optional measurement personalities. It is not available for data/file storage.
Key Path:
Remote Command:
:MMEMory:CATalog? <dir_name>
Remote Command Notes: Query returns all files in the specified drive\path name.
The return data will be in the format: <mem_used>,<mem_free>
Each <file listing> indicates the name and size in bytes of one file in
the directory list in the form: “<file_name>, <file_size>” for example, a
file called “SCREN000.GIF” which is 21286 bytes in size, would list as
“SCREN000.GIF,,21286.” Directories are indicated by square brackets, for
example “[MYDIR],,.”
All files are listed, without regard to the preferences selected for the file
catalog on the analyzer screen.
If you use lowercase characters, they are converted to uppercase in
interpreting catalog commands.