392 Chapter5
One-Button Measurement Functions
Marker (Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function—CCDF)
One-Button Measurement Functions
5.13.1 Select Marker
Selects one of the four possible markers. Once a marker is selected, it can be set to any of
the control modes Normal, Delta,orOff.
Key Path:
Marker (after MEASURE, Power Stat CCDF is selected.)
State Saved: The number of the selected marker is saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: Marker 1
Remote Command:
:CALCulate:PSTatistic:MARKer[1]|2|3|4[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
Sets or queries the state of a marker. Setting a marker to state ON or 1 selects that
marker. Setting a marker which is OFF to state ON or 1 puts it in
Normal mode and places
it at the center of the display. Setting a marker to state OFF or 0 selects that marker and
turns it off. The response to the query will be 0 if OFF, 1 if ON.
Example: CALC:PST:MARK2 ON selects marker 2.
CALC:PST:MARK:STAT ON will not modify a marker that is already on.
5.13.2 Normal
Sets the control mode for the selected marker to Normal. If the marker is off, a single
marker is activated at the 0 dB point of the selected trace (see “Marker Trace” on page 394).
You can then adjust the selected marker using the numeric keypad, knob, or keys.
Key Path:
Marker (after MEASURE, Power Stat CCDF is selected.)
Factory Preset: Off
Remote Command:
“Marker” on page 177 for the mode command.
Example: CALC:PST:MARK:MODE NORM selects marker 1 and sets it to
5.13.3 Delta
Sets the control mode for the selected marker to Delta.InDelta mode the display shows the
difference between the active (
Delta) marker and a reference marker. When Delta mode is
selected the reference marker is placed at the current marker position, unless the marker
was OFF, in which case both the active marker and the reference marker are placed at 0 dB
point of the selected trace (see
“Marker Trace” on page 394). You can adjust the trace point of
the active delta marker. Annotation in the active function block and in the upper-right
corner of the display indicates the power ratio (dB) difference and probability (percentage)
difference of the two markers.