Chapter 2 141
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L Trace + State
WhenthefiletypeisTrace,thiskeyselectstheTrace + State, instrument-readable file (TRC)
format for your file. For more information on file types, refer to
“File Types” on page 127.
Key Path:
File, Save, Format CSV
WhenthefiletypeisTrace, this key selects the trace data as comma-separated values (CSV).
CSV format is readable by a spreadsheet on your computer, but the trace cannot be
restored to the analyzer display. For more information on file types, refer to “File Types” on
page 127
Key Path:
File, Save, Format Bitmap
WhenthefiletypeisScreen, this key selects the bitmap Graphics Interchange Format
(GIF) file format for your saved data. For more information on file types, refer to “File
Types” on page 127
Key Path:
File, Save, Format Metafile
WhenthefiletypeisScreen, this key selects the metafile Windows Metafile Format (WMF)
file format for your saved data. For more information on file types, refer to “File Types” on
page 127
Key Path:
File, Save, Format Reverse Bitmap
WhenthefiletypeisScreen, this key selects the inverse bitmap file format (GIF)foryour
saved data. For more information on file types, refer to
“File Types” on page 127.
Key Path:
File, Save, Format Reverse Metafile
WhenthefiletypeisScreen, this key selects the inverse metafile file format (WMF)foryour
saved data. For more information on file types, refer to
“File Types” on page 127.
Key Path:
File, Save, Format