Programming Commands
SYSTem Subsystem
Power offset 0 dB last state
Peak threshold 10 dB last state
Peak excursion 15 dB last state
Measurement speed normal last state
Device bandwidth narrowband last state
Drift measurements off off
Coherence length measurements off off
Delta Measurements:
off off
off off
wavelength and power
off off
reference signal position 700 nm 700 nm
Signal-to-Noise Measurements
measurement off off
wavelength reference auto last state
user wavelength not affected last state
number of averages 100 last state
GPIB address not affected last state
Power-bar display on last state
a. The term “last state” refers to the last setting that this parameter was in before the instrument power was
turned off.
Table 5-8. Instrument Conditions (2 of 2)
Settings after Preset
Key Pressed
Settings after Power
Turned On