Lists of Commands
HCOPy Subsystem
:HCOPy:IMMediate Starts a printout. S
SENSe Subsystem
:SENSe:CORRection:DEVice Configures wavelength measurements for narrowband or
broadband devices.
:SENSe:CORRection:ELEVation Sets the elevation value used by the instrument to compensate
for air dispersion.
:SENSe:CORRection:OFFSet:MAGNitude Sets the power offset value used by the instrument. S
:SENSe:CORRection:MEDium Sets the instrument to return the wavelength reading in a
vacuum when the parameter is on. Parameters are VAC and AIR.
:SENSe:DATA? Queries the time domain samples of the input signal. I
STATus Subsystem
:STATus:{OPERation | QUEStionable}:CONDition? Returns the value for the condition register for the node. S
:STATus:{OPERation | QUEStionable}:EVENt? Returns the value of the event register for the node. S
:STATus:{OPERation | QUEStionable}:ENABle Sets the enable register. S
:STATus:{OPERation | QUEStionable}:PTRansition Sets the positive transition filter register. S
:STATus:{OPERation | QUEStionable}:NTRansition Sets the negative transition filter register. S
:STATus:PRESet Presets the enable registers for all status nodes. S
SYSTem Subsystem
:SYSTem:ERRor? Queries an error from the error queue. S
:SYSTem:HELP:HEADers? Queries an ASCII listing of all Agilent 86120B remote
:SYSTem:PRESet Performs the equivalent of a front-panel PRESET key press. S
:SYSTem:VERSion Queries the version of SCPI with which this instrument is
TRIGger Subsystem
:ABORt Stops the current measurement sequence. S
:INITiate:IMMediate Places the instrument into the initiated state and initiates a new
measurement sequence.
:INITiate:CONTinuous Sets the instrument for single or continuous measurement. S
UNIT Subsystem
:UNIT[:POWer] Sets the power units to watts (linear) or dBm (logarithmic). S
Table 4-7. Programming Commands (4 of 4)
Command Description Code
Codes: S indicates a standard SCPI command. I indicates an instrument specific command.