Programming Commands
CALCulate2 Subsystem
Sets the peak excursion limit used by the Agilent 86120B to determine valid
laser line peaks.
:CALCulate2:PEXCursion{?| {<integer> | MINimum | MAXimum | DEFault}}
represents logarithmic units in dB. Valid range is 1 to 30 dB.
MINimum 1 dB
MAXimum 30 dB
DEFault 15 dB
Non-sequential command
State: 15 dB
*RST State: 15 dB
SCPI Compliance: instrument specific
A laser line is identified as a valid peak if its amplitude is greater than the peak
excursion plus the amplitudes of the closest local minima on either side of the
peak. This command works in conjunction with the peak threshold setting.
Refer to “PTHReshold” on page 5-34. Changing the peak excursion limit
causes the instrument to reprocess the current set of data. Refer also to
“Defining Laser-Line Peaks” on page 2-16.
The query response is the current value. For example, if the current value is
set to 15 dB, the following value is returned:
Non-sequential command
Always use an *OPC? query or a *WAI command to ensure that this command has the
time to complete before sending any more commands to the instrument. Refer to
“Always force the Agilent 86120B to wait for non-sequential commands” on page 4-12
for more information.