Programming Commands
CALCulate2 Subsystem
When the state is on, the CALC2:DATA? POW query returns the total power
and the CALC2:DATA? WAV, FREQ, or WNUM query returns the power-
weighted average wavelength, frequency, or wave number values.
Turning power-weighted average mode on while making delta, coherence
length, or signal-to-noise measurements results in a “–221 Settings conflict”
Limits input wavelength range of the Agilent 86120B.
:CALCulate2:WLIMit[:STATe]{?| {ON | OFF | 1 | 0}}
Non-sequential command
State: on
*RST State: on
SCPI Compliance: instrument specific
When this function is on, the Agilent 86120B has an input range from the
WLIMit STARt to the WLIMit STOP. When this function is off, the instrument
displays peaks over the full wavelength range. If you want to measure signals
over a narrower wavelength range, set this function on to avoid identifying
spurious second harmonic peaks.
Whenever the Agilent 86120B receives this command, it reprocesses the data
and performs a new peak search.
Non-sequential command
Always use an *OPC? query or a *WAI command to ensure that this command has the
time to complete before sending any more commands to the instrument. Refer to
“Always force the Agilent 86120B to wait for non-sequential commands” on page 4-12
for more information.