Reviewing SCPI Syntax Rules
Reviewing SCPI Syntax Rules
SCPI command are grouped in subsystems
In accordance with IEEE 488.2, the instrument’s commands are grouped into
“subsystems.” Commands in each subsystem perform similar tasks. The fol-
lowing subsystems are provided:
Measurement Instructions
Calculate1 Subsystem
Calculate2 Subsystem
Calculate3 Subsystem
Display Subsystem
Hcopy Subsystem
Sense Subsystem
Status Subsystem
System Subsystem
Trigger Subsystem
Unit Subsystem
Sending a command
It’s easy to send a command to the instrument. Simply create a command
string from the commands listed in this book, and place the string in your pro-
gram language’s output statement. For commands other than common com-
mands, include a colon before the subsystem name. For example, the
following string places the cursor on the peak laser line and returns the power
level of this peak:
Use either short or long forms
Commands and queries may be sent in either long form (complete spelling) or
short form (abbreviated spelling). The description of each command in this
manual shows both versions; the extra characters for the long form are shown
in lowercase. The following is a long form of a command:
OUTPUT 720;”:MEASure:SCALar:POWer? MAXimum”
And this is the short form of the same command: