Programming Commands
CALCulate3 Subsystem
Queries the data resulting from delta, drift, and signal-to-noise measurements.
:CALCulate3:DATA? {POWer | FREQuency | WAVelength | WNUMber}
Argument Description
POWer Queries the array of laser-line powers after the calculation
is completed.
FREQuency Queries the array of laser-line frequencies after the
calculation is completed.
WAVelength Queries the array of laser-line wavelengths after the
calculation is completed.
WNUMber Queries the array of laser-line wave numbers after the
calculation is completed.
State: not affected
SCPI Compliance: standard
Query Only
The data returned by the query depends upon which calculation state is on. If
no calculation state is on, an error is generated. The returned data is comma
delimited. The following string is a typical example of six values returned
when POWer is specified from a delta power measurement:
Notice that only measurement values are returned to the computer. There is
no first value that indicates the number of values contained in the string as
there is, for example, with the FETCh, READ, and MEASure commands. Use
the CALC3:POIN? query to determine the number of points the CALC3:DATA?
query returns.
In the SNR or ASNR calculation, only the POWer argument is valid. The other
arguments will generate a “Settings conflict” error. Use the CALC2:DATA?
query to retrieve the signal wavelengths and powers.