Sunrise Medical 931157 Mobility Aid User Manual

Understanding VSI Controller Diagnostics Codes (cont.)
Test Right Motor Short
Check that the batteries are fully charged and in good con-
dition, and check all cables and connections. Check the
connections to the right motor, look for a loose or damaged
connector. Take a resistance reading from pin 2 to pin 9
see (figure A3.5.1). Take a resistance reading from pin 2
to pin 7 or pin 8 see (figure A3.5.2), if the all the circuits are
open (resistance is greater than 10K ohms), then replace
the controller.
If the reading is short (resistance is less than 10 K ohms)
on any of the readings, proceed to check the 4-pin motor
connector. Measure the resistance from the bottom contact
of the red thick wire on the 4-pin right motor connector to
each of the top contacts of the connectors see (figure
A3.5.3). Measure the resistance from the bottom contact of
the black thick wire on the 4-pin right motor connector to
each the top contacts of the connector (below right). If all
of the readings are open, then replace the main harness. If
any of the readings are short, then replace the right motor.
3.5 Five Bars - Right Motor Wiring Trip
The right hand motor has a short circuit to a battery connection.
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
If the all the circuits are open (resistance is greater than 10K ohms), then replace the controller.
If all of the readings are open, then replace the main harness.
If any of the readings are short, then replace the right motor.