14 www.pridemobility.com Jazzy 1101/1121/Rev E/Jun03
What is the FDA doing about the problem?
The FDA has written to the manufacturers of power chairs and requested that they test their new products to be sure that
they provide a reasonable degree of immunity against EMI/RFI. The letter states that power chairs should have an immu-
nity of at least 20 V/m. This provides a reasonable degree of protection against the common sources of EMI/RFI.
The FDA has also requested that these manufacturers clearly label their products with the immunity level, or state that the
immunity level is not known. The labeling and informational material supplied with the power chair must explain what the
immunity level means, and the labeling or informational material must warn users about the possibility of EMI/RFI and how
to avoid it. In addition, the FDA has recommended that manufacturers establish an educational program to inform users of
power chairs, and their caregivers, about the problems associated with EMI/RFI, and the actions they can take to minimize
the risk.
What can I do to find out if my power chair is likely to be affected by EMI/RFI?
If youve had your power chair for a long time and havent experienced any unintended motion, it is not likely that you will have
problems in the future. But it is always possible that problems could arise if you are close to a source of radio waves.
Therefore, it is very important to be alert to this possibility. The Jazzy meets or exceeds an immunity level of at least 20 V/m.
What can I do to reduce the risk that my power chair could be affected by EMI/RFI?
Here are some precautions you can take:
n Do not turn on or use hand-held personal communications devices, such as citizens band (CB) radios and cellular
phones, while the power chair is on.
n Be aware of nearby transmitters, such as radio or TV stations and hand-held or mobile two-way radios, and try not to
come close to them. For example, if you are in a power chair with an immunity level of 20 V/m, you should remain at
least three feet from a hand-held two-way radio and ten feet from a mobile two-way radio.
n Be aware that adding accessories and/or components, or modifying the power chair may make it more susceptible to
interference from radio wave sources. There is no easy way to evaluate their effect upon the overall immunity of the
power chair.
What should I do if my power chair moves unexpectedly?
If unintended motion or brake release occurs, turn the power chair off as soon as it is safe to do so. Call Pride at 800-424-
8205 to report the incident.