Choosing the right attachment
- Body attachment
The body attachment can be used to treat unwanted body hair on all
body areas below the neck (for exceptions, see chapter ‘Important’, section
‘Contraindications’).The body attachment can cover an area of 3cm and is
ideal to treat large areas efciently.
Do not use the body attachment on the face.
- Precision attachment
The precision attachment includes an extra integrated light lter and can
be used to treat unwanted facial hair on the upper lip, chin and sideburns.
It may also be used on other sensitive areas on the body, such as
underarms and bikini area or hard-to-reach areas.
Never use around the eyes and near the eyebrows.
First use and skin test
1 Choose the attachment appropriate for the area you intend to treat.
2 Choose an area close to the area you intend to treat.
Note: Before you use the appliance on the upper lip, chin or sideburns, choose
a mole- and hair-free area below your ear to perform the skin test.
3 Press the on/off button to switch on the appliance.
, The appliance always starts automatically at the lowest setting.
4 Apply one ash at the lowest recommended intensity for your skin
type (for instructions on how to release a ash, see steps 6 to 9
of section ‘Subsequent use’ in this chapter).
5 As long as it feels comfortable (not painful), increase the setting by
one level within the recommended range for your skin type and
apply one ash for each setting. Do not apply more than one ash on
the same spot.